- Internacional
- mayo 22, 2017
Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 22-May-2017
Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.
CRA Hails Record Number Of Online Users
The Canada Revenue Agency has said that nearly 90 percent of tax returns received so far this year were filed electronically.
Canada Announces Tax Exemption For Military Personnel
The Canadian Government will exempt the military salaries of Canadian Armed Forces personnel deployed on named international operations from federal income taxes.
Canada Responds To Launch Of US NAFTA Consultations
Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister has reiterated the Government's commitment to NAFTA following the US Administration's launch of consultations on its renegotiation.
China, Georgia Sign Free Trade Deal
China and Georgia have signed a free trade agreement, which will remove the majority of tariffs between the two countries.
China Confirms Support For Shanghai Free Trade Zone
China's State Council has reportedly supported plans to further the liberalization of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, to support the Mainland's ongoing Belt and Road initiative.
EU Asks France To Amend WHT Regime
The European Commission has asked France to abolish a withholding tax that applies to dividends received by non-resident companies.
ECJ Says EU States Can Block Tax Info Fishing Requests
The European Court of Justice has ruled that the courts of one member state may review the legality of requests for tax information sent by another member state. However, it said that review must be limited to verifying whether the information sought is not andndash; manifestly andndash; devoid of any foreseeable relevance to the tax investigation concerned.
EU Parliament To Debate Position On Brexit
EU Council President Donald Tusk has presented to Parliament the Guidelines for Brexit negotiations agreed by the EU27 last month.
Ibec: Brexit Will Increase Competition For Investment
Brexit will disrupt trade flows and intensify competition with the UK for inward investment in Ireland, according to Danny McCoy, CEO of Irish business association Ibec.
Labour Would Hike Taxes On UK Financial Sector
UK opposition party Labour has said it would increases taxes on financial transactions in the City to raise GBP5bn (USD6.46bn) a year.
UK Sugar Tax Should Cover Confectionary, Campaigners Say
The next UK Government should impose a sugar levy on all confectionery products that contain high levels of sugar to tackle obesity and diabetes, campaigners have said.
Irish Small Firms: Cut Taxes To Compete With UK
Ireland must overhaul its tax system if it is to compete with the UK post-Brexit, the Small Firms Association has said.
UK Firms Seek Tax Certainty From Next Gov't
The next UK Government should instruct HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to issue a 'white-list' of acceptable tax planning arrangements, Stephen Herring, Head of Taxation at the Institute of Directors said.
UK Labour Proposes Tax On Executive Pay Packets
UK opposition party Labour has said that it would introduce an "excessive pay" tax for companies.
North America A Growing Market For Irish Exporters
Enterprise Ireland has said that export growth to the UK slowed from 12 percent in 2015 to just two percent in 2016.
ECJ Singapore FTA Ruling To Boost UK Brexit Position
In a ruling expected to boost the UK's position in Brexit talks, the European Court of Justice has set out the extent to which member states must be involved in approving the free trade agreement with Singapore.
Labour Planning Largest UK Tax Burden Since 1940s: IEA
The plans from Labour, the largest opposition party in the UK, to raise taxes would establish the highest tax burden since the 1940s, says the Institute of Economic Affairs.
UK Conservative Party Would Hike Income Tax Bands
The ruling Conservative Party in the UK has said it would increase the middle income tax bracket and the tax-exempt threshold if reelected.
US Pass-Through Tax Plan 'A Massive Tax Break For High Earners'
The Urban-Brooking Tax Policy Center has calculated that the 15 percent tax rate for pass-through businesses proposed by the Trump administration could reduce tax revenues by as much as USD2 trillion over the next decade.
Canadian Firms Seeking Supportive Tax Policies
Canadian business leaders regard protectionist trade sentiments in the US as the biggest challenge to the Canadian economy, according to a survey published by Chartered Professional Accountants Canada.
Moody's: Brexit, US Tax Reform Challenges To Ireland
Ratings agency Moody's has said that the negative impact of Brexit and US corporate tax reforms pose key challenges to the Irish economy.
US Kickstarts NAFTA Renegotiation Process
The new United States Trade Representative has formally informed Congress of the Trump Administration's intention to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Otros temas
Think Tank Criticizes Canadian Carbon Taxes
The poor implementation of carbon-pricing schemes by Canada's provincial governments undermines their potential environmental benefits, according to a new report from the Fraser Institute, a think tank.