- Internacional
- abril 16, 2012
Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 16-Abr-2012
Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.
After WTO Decision, China Establishes Rare Earth Regulatory Body
Following last month’s request by several countries for consultations at
the World Trade Organization on what they consider to be China’s unfair
export restraints on rare earths, the latter has now set up a regulatory body
to oversee their exploitation.
World Bank Looks For Chinese Tax Cuts
In its new China Quarterly Update, the World Bank sees a probable need to facilitate
a soft landing for the Chinese economy, with any policy response falling in the
first instance on fiscal policy, particularly tax measures supporting consumption.
Commission Adopts Report Calling For New EU AML Directive
In light of the adoption in February this year of revised international anti-money
laundering standards by the Financial Action Task Force, and its
own review process, a report on the application in the European Union of
the Third Anti-Money Laundering Directive has been adopted by the European Commission.
China, S Korea, Japan Agree To FTA Talks At An Early Date
The foreign ministers of China, Japan and South Korea have recently come together
in Ningbo, the seaport city on China’s east coast, for their sixth tripartite
meeting, covering cooperation in many areas, including the prospective bilateral
and trilateral free trade agreements.
Japan To Pursue Chinese FTA If Tripartite Deal Falters
If a proposed tripartite China-Japan-South Korea free trade agreement is delayed by South Korean doubts, the Japanese government has decided to try
to begin, instead, immediate bilateral trade talks with China.
UK Opposition Attacks New Tax Year Changes
The Labour party's Ed Balls has slammed the latest round of tax and benefit changes to hit UK taxpayers, arguing that families with children are set to lose over GBP500 a year.
Amazon Challenged Over UK Corporate Tax
HM Revenue and Customs is said to be investigating Amazon for its failure to pay adequate corporate tax on its UK sales.
UK Taxpayers Educated On Working Tax Credit Changes
The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group in the United Kingdom has warned a number
of groups of tax credit claimants that they need to contact the UK tax authority,
HM Revenue and Customs, if they want to continue to receive working tax credits,
following the enactment of Budget provisions.
CIOT Expects UK-Swiss Tax Deal Re-Write
Changes to the Swiss-German tax treaty could lead to higher charges for UK holders of undeclared Swiss bank accounts, the Chartered Institute of Taxation has warned.
Jersey Responds To QROPS Change With New Offering
The Jersey government has announced the launch of a new Jersey-based pension scheme,
the Recognized Pension Scheme, which provides a structure compliant with UK law following changes to UK rules regarding
Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes.
UK Due To Introduce Tax-Transparent Pooled Fund Structure
Northern Trust has confirmed that it will offer the incoming UK tax-transparent
pooled funds structure, when regulations permitting the vehicle become effective in the UK in late summer 2012.
HMRC Publishes Guidance On Reduced IHT Rate Eligibility
The UK tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs has released new guidance on eligibility for the new reduced rate of Inheritance Tax,
introduced on April 6, 2012, and available where 10% of an estate is gifted to a registered charity.
Manx Legislators Lag Behind QROPS Change
Isle of Man pensions provider, Boal and Co has confirmed that it has been forced
to cease offering its Trinity QROPS offering until Isle of Man legislation is
brought up to speed with changes to UK pension rules.
Offshore QROPS Domiciles Stunned At HMRC's Last-Minute Change
The UK tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs
has indicated that tax
relief available on pension transfers, under so-called Qualifying Recognised
Overseas Pension Scheme structures, will no longer be available unless the Scheme
is offered within the territory in which the expatriate is newly resident, putting
a multi-million offshore industry at jeopardy.
Climate Change Committee Pressures UK On Carbon Change Commitments
A new report from the Committee on Climate Change urges the United Kingdom government to include the aviation and maritime sectors within ambitious emissions targets agreed for 2050.
HMRC Could Investigate Apple's UK Tax Affairs
Just days after it emerged that Amazon was under investigation by the UK taxman, Apple has come under fire for its payment of just GBP10m in UK corporate tax.
Osborne 'Shocked' By UK Tax Dodging
George Osborne has admitted to being 'shocked' by high levels of tax avoidance amongst the UK's wealthiest people, hinting at his support for a so-called 'tycoon tax'.
TIGA Considers Format Of UK Games Tax Relief
TIGA, the trade association representing the UK games industry, has urged input
from design studios on the functioning of a tax credit, promised by the UK government
in its latest budget after years of industry lobbying for fiscal support.
IoM 50C Pension Scheme Falls Foul Of New QROPS Rules
The Isle of Man government has responded to the recent update to UK rules regarding
Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme, which now excludes transfers to
structures under Section 50C of the Income Tax Act 1970, known as 50C pension
AICPA Reinforces IRS Tips for Last Minute US Tax Filers
As the deadline for filing 2011 individual income tax returns approaches, the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has provided a list
of tips to help taxpayers with any last-minute uncertainties, while the United
States Internal Revenue Service has explained the means by which tax payments
can be made or delayed.
Business Calls For US-Brazil Trade Treaty
On the occasion of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's visit to the United States
on April 9, the US Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas Donohue
called on the two countries to begin discussions on a comprehensive Economic Partnership
EU, US Adopt Commitment To Open FDI Regime
Within the framework of the Transatlantic Economic Council, the European
Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht has announced that the European Union and the United States have reaffirmed their commitment to a set of principles
for creating and maintaining an open, transparent and non-discriminatory international investment
Road Crash Deaths Increase On US Tax Filing Day
A study, included in the current edition of the Journal of the American Medical
Association, has found that road crash fatalities in the United States increase
on the income tax deadline day laid down by the Internal Revenue Service.
Study Points Out Differences In US State Sales Taxes
The Tax Foundation has pointed out that sales taxes in the United States,
which are levied not only by state governments but also by city, county, Native
American and special district governments, can have a profound impact on the total
rate that consumers see at the check-out register.