- Internacional
- noviembre 05, 2012
Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 05-Nov-2012
Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.
Canada To Implement Outstanding Tax Measures
Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has taken steps to implement a number of outstanding technical tax amendments to the Income Tax Act, Excise Tax Act and other related legislation.
Canada, Japan To Hold Trade Talks
Canada and Japan will begin their first full round of trade negotiations next month with the aim of concluding a comprehensive agreement that could boost Canadian gross domestic product by CAD3.8bn.
Canada Finalizes Initial PRPP Legislation
The Canadian government is pushing forward with its implementation of regulations for its new pensions vehicle, finalizing the first and publishing the final tranches of regulations.
EU Publishes Revised GSP For Developing Countries
The European Union has issued its revised scheme of generalized tariff preferences for imports from those developing countries most in need, which will take
effect from January 1, 2014.
Crown Dependencies Hold First Trilateral Meeting
The Chief Ministers of the UK Crown Dependencies, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of
Man have held their first formal meeting to discuss
tax and public sector reform, and the changing environment facing offshore international
financial centres.
UK Receives Record Requests From Overseas Tax Authorities
The UK tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs, has seen a substantial increase in information requests about UK-based foreign nationals by overseas jurisdictions investigating tax evasion, according to new research.
HMRC Turns Screws On Self-Assessors
The UK tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs took 64% more revenue in the last financial year from tax investigations by taking an increasingly aggressive stance on UK self-assessment personal tax returns, new research has found.
US Business Releases 'Deficit Manifesto'
In what is being called their ‘Deficit Manifesto’, more than 80 CEOs
of the United States’ largest companies have written an open letter calling
on Congress to fix the country’s fiscal deficit, by way of both government
spending cuts and tax increases.
NZ To Negotiate FATCA Agreement With US
The New Zealand government has announced its intention to negotiate a Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act tax information agreement with the US.
IRS Pays Anonymous Whistleblower USD38m
The US Internal Revenue Service has paid an award of USD38m to an anonymous whistleblower for providing insider information about a tax avoidance scheme involving a Fortune 500 company.
AICPA Provides Draft For US Financial Reporting By SMEs
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has issued for
comment an exposure draft of its proposed Financial Reporting Framework for United States’ small and medium-sized enterprises.
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Canada, Chile To Expand FTA
The Canadian government has tabled an agreement in parliament to modernize and expand its existing Free Trade Agreement with Chile.
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Canadian Revenues Drive Down Deficit
A 3.4% increase in revenues during the first five months of the 2012-13 fiscal year helped drive down the Canadian deficit from CAD9bn (USD9bn) in the previous year to CAD6.2bn.
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New Zealand Signs Multilateral Tax Convention
New Zealand has signed the multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, a step Revenue Minister Peter Dunne says will make tax evasion significantly more difficult.