- Internacional
- octubre 28, 2013
Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 28-Oct-2013
Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.
Canada, EU Finally Ink Trade Deal
After more than four years of negotiations, the European Union and Canada have reached a political agreement on a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.
Canada To Implement Remaining Budget Tax Measures
Legislation introduced to the Canadian Parliament will close tax loopholes, and crack down on tax evasion.
Malta Seeks To Attract Chinese Financial Services
Malta's Finance Minister, Edward Scicluna, said that the country should seek to attract a Chinese financial institution since financial services in China were now operating on a global level playing field.
EU, China To Hold Trade and Economic Talks
The European Commission is to hold a fourth High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue with China this week.
Japan Top Source Of Hong Kong's Foreign Companies
The number of business operations in Hong Kong with parent companies overseas
and in Mainland China has grown by an annual 2.7 percent to 7,449, with firms with Japanese parent companies leading the way.
EU Trade Ministers Back Wider ASEAN Mandate
The European Commission is to launch negotiations on investment protection with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as part of ongoing free trade talks.
EU Expert Group To Review Digital Economy Taxation
A High Level Expert Group is to examine the best ways of taxing the so-called "digital economy" in the European Union.
EU Drafting Uniform VAT Return, Reporting Rules
The European Commission on October 23, 2013, announced the launch of a new project
to develop a standard VAT return for adoption by all member states to cut the cost of compliance for businesses by approximately EUR15bn (USD20.6bn) annually.
Russia Rejects EU Panel Request On Recycling Fee For Cars
The Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization deferred the establishment of a panel to examine the European Union's complaint over Russia's recycling fee on motor vehicles after Russia objected to the panel.
UK VAT Receipts Buoyed By HMRC Enforcement Efforts
HM Revenue and Custom's Large Business Service, which investigates the tax affairs
of the UK's 770 largest businesses, netted a total of GBP1.44bn (USD2.3bn) from investigations
into companies' VAT arrangements in the fiscal year 2012/13, an 18 percent increase
on the previous year, and more than treble the amount (GBP443m) collected in 2009/10.
Newspaper To Leak Details Of UK Corporate Tax Avoidance
The Independent will this week reveal "how more than 30 UK companies, including some of the UK's most recognizable brands," are benefiting from a legal tax loophole.
Tribunal Rules Against UK Online Filing, Payment Requirement
In two separate judgments, the UK's First Tier Tribunal has backed a group of taxpayers who contested that UK regulations introducing a mandatory electronic VAT return filing and payment requirement infringed their human rights.
Guernsey, Jersey Sign Tax IGAs With UK
Guernsey and Jersey have both signed inter-governmental agreements with the UK to improve the automatic exchange of tax information between the jurisdictions.
UK Submits Expanded Fuel Rebate Scheme For European Approval
The UK has submitted an application to the European Commission asking to extend a rural fuel rebate scheme, which is currently in place on a number of islands, to ten towns in mainland England and Scotland.
Swiss Bank Blames DoJ Tax Investigation For Shutdown
A tax dispute with the US Department of Justice has been cited as one of the reasons for Swiss private bank Frey and Co. ceasing its business activity.
DoJ Shuts Down US Tax Preparation Firms
The US Department of Justice has shut down a number of tax return preparation firms, taking the number of injunctions it has obtained to stop tax fraud promoters and return preparers to more than 500 in the past decade.
Business Survey Sees Reduced Chance Of US Tax Reform
This month's TTC/EY Tax Reform Barometer, issued by The Tax Council and Ernst
and Young LLP, finds that, while business tax professionals expect progress in
Congress on United States tax reform in 2013, they are less confident than in
previous surveys.