- Internacional
- agosto 11, 2014
Los impuestos en el mundo. Actualización al 11-Ago-2014
Compilación de noticias fiscales de otros países.
Taiwan, China To Restart Trade Talks
Taiwan and China have agreed to proceed with talks on further goods tariff reductions
within their economic cooperation framework agreement, despite the long-running
dispute over the cross-strait agreement for trade in services that was signed
in June last year.
EU Welcomes WTO Trade Ruling Against China
The Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization ruled in favor of the European Union on August 7, 2014, when it confirmed the findings made by a Panel in March 2014 that China's export restrictions on rare earth, as well as tungsten and molybdenum, are in breach of WTO rules.
Czech Cigarette Duty Raised To EU Minimum
The Czech Republic has passed legislation raising the excise duty on a packet of cigarettes by CZK3-4 (USD0.15-0.20) to bring its rates into line with European Union law.
EU Supports Moldova To Secure FTA Benefits
The European Commission has announced a new annual support package for Moldova to help it seize the benefits and opportunities provided by its free trade deal with the European Union.
Japan, Sri Lanka Push For Trade Treaty
During their recent meeting in Colombo, the proposed Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and Sri Lanka was the main topic of conversation between Rishad
Bathiudeen, the Sri Lankan Minister of Industry and Commerce, and the Japanese
Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Kazuyoshi Akaba.
Jersey To Oust Abusive UK Tax Scheme Promoters
After a statement from the Jersey Government that it does not wish to host promoters of abusive tax avoidance schemes to UK participants, Jersey promoters will be required, from October 1, 2014, to inform the Financial Services Commission of any schemes falling under the ambit of the UK's Disclosure of Tax Avoidance Scheme regime.
UK Reduces Scope Of New Property Gains Tax
The British Property Federation and the Chartered Institute of Taxation have welcomed an announcement from HM Revenue and Customs that institutional investors and
companies with diverse ownership will be excluded from plans for a new capital
gains tax on UK properties sold by non-residents. The charge will come into effect
in April 2015 and apply only to gains arising from that date.
EY Calls For UK Tax Manifesto For Manufacturing
Professional services body EY has called on the UK to build a tax manifesto for manufacturing, publishing a new survey that reveals that 70 percent of companies' tax directors regard the stability of the tax and regulatory regime as crucial to determining their base of operations.
US Senate Receives Bill To Make R and D Credit Permanent
The Competitiveness and Opportunity by Modernizing and Permanently Extending the
Tax Credit for Experimentation (COMPETE) Act, which would simplify, expand, and
enhance the research and development tax credit, has been introduced
into the United States Senate by Tom Carper.
TF Calls For An End To US Sales Tax Holiday Gimmicks
In its latest study, the Tax Foundation has concluded that, despite their
political popularity in the United States, states sales tax holidays are "are
based on poor tax policy, and distract policymakers and taxpayers from real, permanent,
and economically beneficial tax reform."
Improvements Proposed For US Tax Refund Theft Prevention
The Tax Refund Theft Prevention Act of 2014, a bill that would provide enhanced
protection for taxpayers against fraudulent tax refund claims that are made with
the use of stolen taxpayer identities, has been introduced by Ron Wyden, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Orrin Hatch,
its Ranking Member.
Improvements Proposed For US Tax Refund Theft Prevention
The Tax Refund Theft Prevention Act of 2014, a bill that would provide enhanced
protection for taxpayers against fraudulent tax refund claims that are made with
the use of stolen taxpayer identities, has been introduced by Ron Wyden, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Orrin Hatch,
its Ranking Member.
More Americans Quit US Before FATCA Begins
According to Treasury Department statistics published in the Federal Register,
a record number of 1,577 United States taxpayers gave up their passports or their
green cards in the first half of this year, up from 576 in the first
quarter. This is already a long way towards reaching the record level of
2,999 in the whole of 2013.