
UK deposits MLI ratification. Estonia joins MLI

Latest developments on Multilateral Convention.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. julio 05, 2018

IRS Updates List of Approved Certificate Authorities

For FATCA purposes.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. julio 05, 2018

Guidance for Tax Administrations on HTVI

Application of the Approach to Hard-to-Value Intangibles - BEPS Action 8

Fiscalia - C.I.F. junio 26, 2018

Serbia ratifies MLI

Six jurisdictions have ratified the Instrument.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. junio 20, 2018

Instrumento Multilateral ratificado por Nueva Zelanda

Sexto país en ratificar el Convenio.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. mayo 23, 2018

Firma Apple acuerdo para pagar crédito fiscal a Irlanda

Se crea un fondo para recuperar paulatinamente 13 mil millones de euros en impuestos.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. mayo 08, 2018

IRS reminds those with foreign assets about U.S. tax obligations

Tax liability for US citizens, resident aliens and those with dual citizenship.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. abril 09, 2018

Instrumento Multilateral ratificado por Eslovenia

Quinto país en ratificarlo. Se da el supuesto de entrada en vigor.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. marzo 02, 2018

Poland: 4th jursidiction to ratify MLI

Step forward in international tax co-operation.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. enero 25, 2018

Panama joins international tax co-operation efforts to end bank secrecy

The country will implement the automatic exchange of financial account information.

Fiscalia - C.I.F. enero 15, 2018